A Safe Contract - Part 1
Kat looked over the safe sitting on the table. It couldn't be this easy, right? She looked under the table. Nothing. Who the hell just leaves a safe out like this? Usually these rich assholes at least had it in a wall or something, but just out on a table? That was a first.
Kat carefully wrapped the ropes around the safe and clipped them together. She gave the safe a couple test lifts before hefting it and slowly turning to make her way to the window. As she turned, she was confronted by a figure who said, "I feel like we're skipping a couple steps here. This is usually a second date kind of activity isn't it?"
Kat jumped, though not very high, and almost dropped the safe on her foot. She looked at the apparition in front of her, a woman in a sharp suit... With a tail and horns... A devil? Seriously? This asshole made a deal with a fucking devil to guard a safe! Of course rich assholes don't just leave safes out with no protection! Kat eyed her up then said, "Make it quick."
"Make what quick darling?" asked the devil.
"You're going to kill me right?" asked Kat, straining under the weight of the safe.
"Now why would I do that dear? Just because you're walking out with me?" said the devil, giving a flirtatious smile.
"Aren't you supposed to protect this?"
"The safe? Why yes I am."
"But you're not going to stop me taking it?" asked Kat.
"Well that depends. How are you planning on opening this here safe?" asked the devil, suddenly right on Kat, hand on the safe.
"Cracking it?" said Kat, increasingly unsure of what was going on.
"By hand?" asked the devil.
"Well, you sure do know how to treat a lady don't you?" said the devil, with a salacious smile that just about made Kat drop the safe again. The devil continued, "No, I won't be killing you today. My contract is to 'protect' their safe, so as long as you don't damage it then we'll be fine."
"Okay then..." said Kat, continuing on towards the window. She hooked the safe onto the line stretching out the window and gave it a slight push, watching as it slid into the back of the van. She looked back at the devil as she attached herself to the line and said, "Well, see you around then."
Feet firmly planted on the floor of the van Kat took care to unhook herself and the safe from the line. She hastily unhooked the line from the van, closed the doors, and hopped into the driver's seat. She took one last quick look around the back of the van to make sure everything was in place, then as she looked back towards the road ahead of her she jumped, this time quite a bit higher.
"Where are we headed darling?" said the devil, looking out on to the road, elbows on the dashboard.
"What the hell are you doing here?" asked Kat.
"I'm here to protect the safe darling. I've got to make sure you're a woman of your word after all." said the devil, "People these days can be so untrustworthy."
Kat eased the door of the safe open as she took her first look at the contents. She took out a manila folder and flipped through it's contents and found the devil looking over her shoulder as she did so.
"Tsk tsk. Such petty fraud." remarked the devil, "They could have done so much more, but alas, they were so small minded."
Kat stood as she shoved the documents in her backpack. She looked at the devil and said, "Well, I guess this is it. See you around for real this time."
"Would you mind doing me a favour darling?" asked the devil.
"And what would that be?" asked Kat, already making her way out of the warehouse.
"Would you mind taking ownership of this safe for me?" asked the devil, suddenly walking along side her.
"And why would I do that?"
"Well you see, if it was your safe then I'm no longer required to protect their safe and I can get to finding my next contract." said the devil.
Kat stopped. "What's in it for me?" she asked.
"I'll owe you a favour." said the devil, smirking.
"What kind of favour?" asked Kat.
"Any kind you'd like, darling." said the devil, standing in front of with a smirk and an upturned hand, obviously striking a pose.
Kat eyed her with suspicious, "Can I get that in writing?"