A Safe Contract - Part 2

Kat didn't really want to be doing this, but well... she had no choice... She needed a date for the party and she hadn't had a girlfriend in years, so this was her only option. She carefully drew the sigil she'd been given on the floor in chalk, then she pricked her finger to allow a drop of blood to fall in the centre.

Kat jumped back as the sigil blazed, leaving spots in her vision. She waited a few moments but nothing else seemed to happen— A hand landed on her shoulder causing her to spin around, dagger in hand. She relaxed a little when she saw the devil in front of her, once again in that immaculate suit.

"Hello darling." said the devil, looking down on her with a smile.

"I'm calling in that favour." said Kat.

"I assumed as much sweetie. How can I help you?" asked the devil.

"I need a date for a party, I assume you can look human."

"Oh, but of course. But you really didn't need to call in your favour for a date." said the devil as she gently ran a nail under the right side of Kat's jaw, "I would have done that for free."

Kat's cheeks blazed red as she said, "It's for a job."

"And here I thought you'd finally mustered the courage." said the devil, giving her a pout, "No matter. Yes, I can look human, and I will join you on your job."

"Good." said Kat, regaining some composure, "One question though, what's your name?"

"Adelphi, dear." replied the devil.

Kat hated posh events, they always made her feel uneasy, like she was an intruder. Well, technically she was about to be one, but that was a whole different matter. She just didn't like being in the same room as all these rich assholes. She looked over to Adelphi who'd changed from her usual business-y suit to a formal one. She still looked like a devil to Kat but Adelphi assured her that everyone else would see her as human, and Kat didn't see anyone giving Adelphi any weird looks or screaming so it must have been working.

"I'm going to get to work." said Kat, letting go of Adelphi's arm.

"So soon darling?" asked Adelphi, "I thought we could at least enjoy each other's company a little first."

Kat looked around the room then said, "I want out of here, and this dress, as soon as possible."

"Good luck then, sweetheart." said the devil, with a sly smile.

Kat headed towards the first door out of the large hall she could find, then she made her way to the nearest staircase. She headed up a couple flights then down the corridor with haste, looking like she knew exactly where she was going and exuding confidence. Kat had learned, long ago, that at events like this staff wouldn't even pay attention to you if you looked like you were supposed to be there.

Eventually she found her way to the study and slipped in, making sure to close the door as silently as possible. As she turned around to inspect the room she almost screamed when she saw a figure spinning lazily in the desk's chair.

"You know darling, you could have just asked me to bring you up here." said Adelphi.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" whispered Kat.

"Why, I'm here to assist you, of course." said the devil.

"I don't need any help." said Kat making her way over to the desk.

"Well, I thought we could enjoy each other's company while you worked."

"Fine, whatever, just don't distract me." said Kat, crouching down to inspect the drawers on the desk. The desk was one of those big old dark wooden ones, it went with the whole room's dark wooden vibe. Kat actually quite liked these kinds of rooms, they didn't leave any real room for hiding things, they were all style over substance.

She ran a finger over the panel between two drawers then gave it a slight push to reveal a small round button at the end of the panel. As she pushed it in, the other part of the panel silently slid out to present a drawer containing a small stack of papers. Kat took them, folding them a couple of times, then shoved them into her clutch.

"Well, that's it, we're out of here." said Kat, pushing the hidden drawer back in and standing up.

"Are you sure you don't want to stick around, maybe have a drink or two?" asked the devil.

"No. We're leaving, I don't want to be here when he realises these are gone." said Kat, already moving for the door. She cracked it open and took a peak outside, then quickly ducked back in. She looked over to Adelphi, and in an urgent whisper said, "Guards! We need to hide."

Adelphi was suddenly right in front of her with a smirk, "As I said my dear, all you have to do is ask."

Adelphi placed her hand on the small of Kat's back and pulled her in closer. She looked deeply into Kat's eyes for a few moments, faces so close together, while Kat's heart was trying to beat its way out of her chest—

Kat's eyes did their best to adjust to the bright lights in the hall as Adelphi stepped away from her. Kat quickly scanned the room, prepared to hear a gasp, a scream, a shout, anything that would alert the guards to their sudden appearance, but there was just laughter from a nearby group. She looked over to Adelphi and said, "I had it."

"I know you did, dear. I just wanted to make you understand that I'm here to help." said Adelphi, giving her a devilish grin.

"Well you can help me by leading me out of here." said Kat, grabbing a hold of Adelphi's arm once again.

"If you insist, darling." said Adelphi.

Kat did her best to look a little drunk as they made their way past the door staff, while Adelphi gave them a shrug that said "What can you do?"

Once outside Kat said, "I've got to get these to the fixer."

"Of course, dear. But do you mind if I escort you?" asked Adelphi.

"Why?" asked Kat in turn.

"To make sure you make your way home safe, of course."

"Well, okay then..." said Kat.

The two of them stood awkwardly outside Kat's front door. She wasn't quite sure what to do now, did she have to dismiss her?

"Well dear," said Adelphi, "I had a lovely night, even if it was quite brief. I'd love to do it again sometime, maybe when you're not on the clock next time."

"Yeah... Sure..." said Kat, suspicion in her voice.

"No need to be wary, my dear." said the devil, "I just enjoyed your company, and I wouldn't mind actually returning the favour for freeing me from my last contract."

"You've already done enough."

"That little tryst? Darling." said Adelphi, "That wasn't nearly enough, I owe you so much more."

Kat eyed her with suspicious.

"I have no nefarious plans for you my dear. I just think we could have so much more fun together." said Adelphi, taking a step closer and towering over Kat. She ran her fingernail along Kat's jaw again, ending at her chin, and tilted Kat's head up to look at her. As she bent down Kat closed her eyes, cheeks flushed.

"I'm sure I'll be seeing you again, darling. You know how to contact me." whispered Adelphi, before giving Kat a gentle kiss on the cheek.

When she opened her eyes, Adelphi was gone.