Here To Make A Deal - Part 1
Alice was startled awake by a burst of flame in the corner of her room. She sat up and stared groggily at the figure that had just risen from the floor. The figure was lit by the flaming sigil at its feet. It stepped out from the sigil as a small ball of fire left its upturned hand, revealing a barely clothed feminine form, with a furtive smile on its face.
"Good evening human, I am here to make a deal." said the demon.
Alice squinted and said, "Wot?"
"You allow me to stay in your domicile, and I, Nymora, second in line to the throne of Hell, will do whatever you please, whenever you please." said Nymora.
Alice stared for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. After a few quiet moments she gave up. As she laid back down and rolled over she said, "Sure dude, whatever."
Alice was roused from the sweet embrace of slumber by her morning alarm. She let it blare for a while before finally rolling over and turning it off. She felt like shit.
She rolled out of bed and made her way across her apartment to the bathroom. As she walked past her couch she noticed the TV was still on and playing some random video. She leant over the couch to grab the remote- and jumped.
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?" she yelled, startled by the woman lying on her couch.
"Fear not human. It is I, Nymora, second in line to the throne of hell." said Nymora, in a calm, seductive voice.
"Wh- Why- What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?!" asked Alice, still startled.
"In accordance with our deal, I will be staying in your domicile."
The memory of last night presented itself. She'd thought it was just a dream. It was real?
"Uhh, right... I forgot?" said Alice. She stood for a moment, staring at the demon she had apparently made a deal with, before continuing on her way to the bathroom.
Alice exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel, hair still dripping, and approached the demon.
"You said you'd do whatever I wanted right?" asked Alice.
Nymora turned to her, said "But of course little lamb. That was our deal after all."
Alice walked around to the front of the couch and sat down with her back towards the demon and said, "Then can you dry my hair for me please?"
"Excuse me?" asked the demon, sounding confused.
"You said whatever I pleased, and I would be pleased if you dried my hair." said Alice, too tired to give a shit about this whole situation.
"If that is what you wish, human." replied Nymora.
Alice felt her hair lift off her neck as a blast of warm air rushed past her head. She sat, enjoying the warmth, until her hair floated back down and the demon said, "Your hair is now dry."
Alice tilted her head back to look at Nymora and said, "Thanks."
"You do not have to thank me human. I am merely fulfilling my end of the deal." said Nymora, twirling some of Alice's hair around her finger.
"Well, I'm thanking you anyway." said Alice, before she stood up and headed into her bedroom. A couple minutes later she emerged in her work outfit: a blouse, skirt, flats, and round glasses. She waved to Nymora and said, "I've got to go to work. Try not to burn the place down."
As she closed the front door behind her, she heard Nymora say, "I will avoid doing so."
It was dark out as Alice fumbled with the lock on the door to her apartment. She opened the door to find Nymora sitting on the couch watching something intently. She made her way over and slumped down next to the demon.
"If it's not too much, would you mind making me some dinner? Otherwise I'll get something delivered." said Alice. A thought struck her, so she asked, "Do you need to eat?"
"I do not require food but I can consume it." replied Nymora, "And yes, I am capable of making you a meal."
"Thanks." said Alice.
"I do not need thanking human. I am-"
Alice cut her off by saying, "I know, but thank you anyway."
Nymora entered the kitchen, as she surveyed it she asked, "What would you like me to make?"
"Curry would be great. I think I've got everything for it. Make some for yourself if you want." replied Alice.
As the demon got to work in the kitchen Alice pulled out her phone and put on an audiobook she'd listened to before. She sunk into the couch, closing her eyes to listen to the narration she'd already heard so many times. The sounds of Nymora in the kitchen were comforting her as well. Something about having someone else working away in the background made her feel at ease.
Eventually the demon returned with a bowl containing curry and rice. Alice graciously accepted the bowl and said, "Thanks so much."
The demon opened her mouth to speak but Alice cut her off again by saying, "I want to thank you. I would like you to stop telling me not to thank you. Consider it part of our deal."
Nymora, without missing a beat, said, "Understood."
"You want me to pause this?" asked Alice, indicating towards the phone playing the audiobook.
"I do not want for anything little lamb." she replied.
"I'll take that as a no." said Alice as she took her first bite of the curry. Her face lit up, "Damn, this is good."
"I am glad it is up to your expectations." said Nymora.
The two sat quietly, listening to the audiobook, as Alice enjoyed her meal. After she'd finished eating she stood up, took the bowl through, and started doing the dishes. She peeked her head out into the lounge and asked, "You mind joining me?"
"Of course." said the demon, already standing up.
As Alice cleaned a pan she asked, "I gotta ask. Why are you staying with me?"
Nymora looked uncomfortable for the first time since they'd met. She took a moment before saying, "I cannot return to Hell. I- I would rather not say why, but this is for the best."
Alice gave her a warm smile and said, "Well okay then, stay as long as you need."
Once finished with the dishes, Alice headed back to the couch and found a video to watch. As the demon sat down, she cuddled up to Alice, who in turn wrapped an arm around the demon's shoulders. After a little while Alice asked, "Do you mind if I touch your hair?"
The demon sounded almost offended as she said, "You may touch me wherever you please. You may do as you please, whenever you please."
Alice ran her fingers through the demon's long, silky smooth hair. Then, to the demon's surprise, Alice began giving her head scritches. Nymora let out a deep sign as her whole body relaxed.
"I must say, human, you are awfully calm for a person in your situation." said Nymora.
Alice gave a small chuckle as she said, "Well, the way I look at it, either you're real and I made a deal with you, in which case, I imagine I'm not getting out of that easily."
"Naturally." said the demon.
"Or, you're a vivid hallucination, and I just made the best curry I've ever tasted."
"And you are not afraid to be around a demon?" asked Nymora.
"Well, the deal was that you'll do whatever I want, whenever I want, correct?"
"So if you do something I don't like I can just tell you to stop, and you'll have to stop right?" said Alice, still watching the TV.
The demon was quiet for a moment before replying, "That is correct."
"Then I've got nothing to be scared of."
Alice, in her pyjamas, stood at the door to her bedroom. She looked over to the demon sitting on the couch and said, "I'm off to bed. Good night."
The demon looked over and asked, "Do you not wish for me to accompany you?"
"Do you sleep?" asked Alice.
"I do. But I did not have sleep in mind." said Nymora with a salacious smile.
Alice stood staring at her blankly for a good 5 seconds before it finally dawned on her. "You're a succubus, aren't you?" she asked.
"I thought that was obvious little lamb." said Nymora.
"Uhh... I'm ace." said Alice.
The succubus looked at her quizzically as she asked, "Ace? I am unfamiliar with the term in this context."
Nymora stared at her blankly.
"But I came to you as I was sure you would find my form ideal." said the succubus.
"I mean, yes, you're incredibly beautiful, but it just doesn't work that way for me. Never has." said Alice matter of factly.
"I- I understand. Good night then." said the succubus, looking a bit shaken.
"I'd be happy to cuddle with you though." said Alice as she headed into her room.
As she settled into bed she heard footsteps approach. After a few seconds Nymora appeared in the doorway. "I- I have come to cuddle." she said, in an uncertain tone.
Alice patted the other side of the bed. Once the demon was in the bed with her, she rolled over and wrapped her arm around the demon again. As the their legs intertwined Alice whispered, "Good night Nymora."