Here To Make A Deal - Part 2

Demon who's gonna beat your high score. Loser.

Alice opened the door to find Nymora on the couch, joy-cons in hand, playing a game. She made her way over and wedged herself into a corner of the couch with her legs spread. Nymora, her eyes still fixed on the TV, shifted to sit between Alice's legs. Alice sat and watched her play until she got a game over.

Nymora, in a voice filled with smugness, exclaimed, "I have beaten your 'high score', human! I, Nymora, second in line to the throne of Hell, have once again bested you!"

Alice couldn't help but smile. Nymora was so damn cute when she thought she'd gotten one over on her. Alice responded by wrapping her arms around Nymora's waist and saying in a teasing voice, "Did you now? I'll have to do my best to beat your score this weekend then."

Alice sat just enjoying the cuddles. They'd been living together for a couple of months now and they'd fallen into a cosy groove. Nymora had taken up doing most of the chores around the house while Alice was at work. She'd only asked her to clean up after herself but Nymora seemed to have taken it upon herself to clean the whole house.

"Do you wish for me to make you a meal?" asked the demon.

"Mmmm, no. I'll order something. You want anything?" asked Alice.

"I have told you many times before, human. I want for nothing." said Nymora, starting a new game.

"Well, I'm going to get pizza." said Alice, causing Nymora to freeze for a moment. Alice, as if speaking to herself, said, "I'll get a large."

Alice stole another glance at Nymora as they both sat watching a movie and eating pizza. She'd noticed pretty early on that Nymora seemed to like gory slasher flicks. She always watched them so intently and Alice, in turn, enjoyed watching her.

Alice had realised she'd caught feelings for the succubus about a month in. She just found Nymora so easy to be around. Nymora always seemed to know when she needed some physical intimacy and when she needed some space. She also enjoyed listening to the demon talk at length about various aspects of Hell, while Nymora would always sit and listen intently about her workday.

It was the most comfortable she'd been with anyone in a while and it scared her a little. Not the fact she was comfortable being around a demon, but the fact she still didn't know why Nymora couldn't go back to Hell. She was scared that one day Nymora would just be gone. That whatever it was had settled down and she could return to her home.

It was with that unease that, when the movie ended, she managed to ask, "Nym... You don't have to answer but... Why can't you go home?"

The demon looked into the distance contemplatively for a while before finally saying, "I wish to tell you but I fear you will think lesser of me for it. Are you sure you want to know?"

Alice placed her hand on Nymora's and said, "I'm sure."

"As I have told you, I am Nymora, second in line to the throne of Hell. Though that title is accurate, it is not exactly the whole truth. The truth of the matter is I am in fact first in line to the throne." she let out a sigh and continued, "My brother was the first in line but he has disappeared. When it became clear that it would not be an easy feat to find him, I began to be groomed for the throne."

Nymora looked at Alice with a worried expression and then said, "I could not face the responsibility so I fled. I wish I could say I searched for my brother, but I did not. I have not searched for him because I am sure he has disappeared for a similar reason."

Alice gave her a warm smile, squeezed her hand, and said "I understand. I don't think any less of you for any of that. It sounds like a stressful situation."

Nymora looked relieved as she said, "I would like to find my brother eventually but I would not know where to start. I do not wish to tell him to return. I only wish to make sure he is okay."

"Well if you need any help finding him just let me know." said Alice.

The two sat in silence for a while before Alice asked, "I assume you can't just renounce your claim to the throne?"

"I cannot. My father is too proud to allow such a thing to happen. He is too proud even to admit that my brother is missing." replied Nymora.

"Well, as I said when you first got here, you can stay as long as you need."

"I am grateful." said Nymora, giving her a sad smile.

"Thank you for telling me. I know it wasn't easy for you." said Alice, "Do you want a hug?"

The succubus nodded.

Alice smiled as Nymora's long tail slowly snaked back and forth on the couch as they embraced.