Here To Make A Deal - Part 3

Demon who's been going through a lot lately, and is just feeling very vulnerable.

Alice rolled over, her arm searching for Nymora but not finding her. Odd. Nymora always slept in, at least until Alice had gotten out of the shower. She got up and headed into the living room and found Nymora sitting on the couch in silence.

"Morning." said Alice.

"Good morning." said Nymora, but not in her usual sultry tone.

"What's up?" asked Alice.

"Think nothing of it human." she said, turning away.

"Okay... But if you need anything just let me know." said Alice, heading for the shower.

After she'd dried off her body she headed back into the lounge and she asked Nymora, "Mind drying my hair?"

The succubus nodded so Alice sat down in front of her like usual. When her hair was dry she tilted her head back to thank the demon but stopped when she saw Nymora's expression.

"Do you want a hug?" asked Alice.

The demon looked conflicted for a few moments before nodding and standing up. The two of them embraced; Alice making sure not to squeeze too tight.

"I've got the day off work today, want to cuddle up and watch something?" asked Alice.

"I would find that enjoyable." said Nymora.

Alice was stroking Nymora's arm as the credits rolled, she looked over to the demon and asked, "What do you want to watch next?"

"You know I do not have a preference, human." said Nymora, trying to sound okay but failing.

"Horror it is then." said Alice as she searched for something on her phone.

After a few moments, Nymora, in the same uncertain tone Alice had heard that first night, asked "Why are you so kind to me?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" replied Alice.

"The deal we made does not require it and you are immune to my influence. You have no reason to be kind to me." said Nymora.

"Don't see why that means I shouldn't be nice to you."

"I do not understand." said Nymora sounding exasperated, "You do not ask much of me. You complain about your boss and co-workers yet you do not ask me to help. I could bring you power and fame and yet you do not ask for either. I could be useful to you and yet you only ask me to do basic household chores."

Alice gave her a warm, soft smile and said "I don't need a reason to be kind, and you doing all those chores means the world to me. I don't want power or fame or whatever, I just want to come home to you, and if the place is clean that's a nice little bonus."

Nymora looked unconvinced.

"I've got a question for you then. Why are you here?" asked Alice.

"I have told you why I cannot return to Hell." said Nymora.

"I don't mean why are you here on Earth, I mean why are you here? The deal was that you have to do what I say as long as you're living here. You could leave at anytime, but you haven't. You could have left after you found out I was ace but you stuck around anyway." said Alice.

"I... I do not know." said Nymora, looking unsure of herself.

Softening her tone a little, Alice asked, "Why are you nice to me? That wasn't part of the deal either but you still are."

Nymora looked like she wanted to speak but couldn't figure out the words.

"Why do you do all those extra chores I never asked you to do?" asked Alice.

"Because I knew you would be pleased." said Nymora like she was trying to find a handhold in the situation.

"But that wasn't part of the deal. The deal was you'd do whatever I please, it wasn't that you try please me." said Alice.

"I..." said Nymora before trailing off.

"Do you like being with me?" asked Alice.

Nymora sat quite for a moment before slowly looking up to Alice and saying, "Yes. I enjoy your company."

"Do you want to keep living here with me?"

"Yes. I would like nothing more." said Nymora.

"And I want to keep living with you."

"I still do not understand why."

"We enjoy being together, sometimes that's all you need." said Alice. Seeing that Nymora still looked a little confused, she continued, "You don't have to figure it all out right now. I'm not going anywhere."

Nymora sat, obviously unsure of what to say.

"For now, let's just put on something nice and gory." said Alice, smiling at Nymora, Nymora returned the smile as she nestled into Alice.