Here To Make A Deal - Part 4
Alice turned to Nymora as she hung up the phone. "Hey, I might have a way to find your brother. Nothing definite but my friend vouches for them." she said.
"That is wonderful news!" exclaimed the demon.
"I'm going to meet them in an hour, do you want to come with? Wait. Can you come with?" asked Alice.
"Yes, I am able to leave this domicile."
"No, I mean like, you kind of look... I mean you look like a demon."
"You are the only one who can see my true form." said Nymora.
"Wait, you could've been going out this whole time?" asked Alice.
"Not exactly. It takes considerable effort to suppress my influence."
"But you'll be good to come with me today?" asked Alice.
"Yes, I will be fine for a short journey."
"Well, I'm going to get ready then we'll head over."
Alice stood back after knocking on the door, and after a few moments the door opened to reveal a bear of a man. He looked at them and asked, "Hi, can I help you?"
"Ahhh, we're here to see Lilith?" said Alice.
"Oh, okay." he said, before turning around and shouting "Lil! You've got visitors!" down the corridor. He turned back to the two of them and said, "She'll just be a minute."
Moments later, a woman appeared by the door and said, "Heya! You Alice?"
"Yeah, and this is Nymora." said Alice, pointing to Nymora.
"Okay, cool! Come on in!" said the witch.
They headed down a corridor with a few different doors before going into a room lit only by candle light. An array of crystals, herbs, and bones were scattered on a table in the centre of the room. The witch gestured to some chairs on one side of the table before taking a seat on the other side.
As they took their seat the witch said, "So! I'm Lilith! Nice to meet you both! So you're looking for your brother?"
"Yeah, we're looking for Nymora's brother." said Alice.
"And he's an incubus right?" asked Lilith.
Alice looked at the witch in shock, "What?"
"I mean, she's obviously a succubus, so he'd have to be an incubus right?" said Lilith, pointing to Nymora.
"I see you are in fact the real thing, witch." said Nymora with a smile.
Lilith smiled back at her and said, "Yep! I'll be honest, it may be tricky to find him though. I know a couple other demons so I can ask around but like, if he wants to hide I probably won't be able to find him with magic."
"Wait wait wait. Hold on. How did you know she's a succubus?" asked Alice.
Nymora looked over to her and replied, "Witches can see the true forms of our kind and she is a true witch."
"I see..." said Alice as she turned back to the witch.
"Yep! So, what's your brother's name?" asked Lilith.
"Before we go any further, witch. I wish to know the price for your assistance." said Nymora.
"No cost!" exclaimed the witch, "You're looking for family and that's on the house!"
"You sure?" asked Alice.
"Yep! Family's important! I couldn't charge for that!" said Lilith.
Nymora took a moment before saying, "His name is Rizarrel. If you find him, tell him I do not wish for him to return, I only wish to know he is okay. Tell him that I too have left and will not be returning."
Lilith pulled out her phone and started typing something on it. She looked up and said, "All right then! I'll reach out to some friends and see if they know where he is! You want some tea before you go?"
"Thank you so much." said Alice, "I'm good. Nymora?"
"I do not require a beverage but I must thank you for helping me. I will not forget this kindness." said Nymora.
Alice and Nymora were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie as Alice's phone alerted her to a new message.
- lil witchheya!!! it's Lil! i found them! they're up to meet whenever!! just let me know!
Alice paused the movie and said, "Oh shit, she found him. She said you can meet whenever."
"I would like to meet him as soon as possible." said Nymora.
- lil witchNymora said she wants to meet as soon as possible. How soon can they meet.
- gAlicethey're at our place now if you want to come over!
"She said he's at their place right now. Want to go now?" asked Alice.
"I would very much like that."
Alice knocked on the front door and a few moments later the bear shaped man was back at the door. He asked, "You here for Lil again?"
"Ahh, yeah." said Alice.
"Lil!" shouted the man.
Liltih zoomed through a doorway and shouted "Over here!"
The two of them went into the room the witch had just ran back into to find her standing there with another person. Or to be more precise, another demon. The demon looked nervous as they entered and kept staring at Nymora. Nymora was also looking at them with uncertainty.
After a few moments the demon said, "Hey Nymora... Nice to see you again..."
The demon in front of them wasn't the masculine incubus Alice has been expecting. They looked closer to a succubus but not quite as feminine. Alice looked over to Nymora, it looked like she was trying to figure something out but couldn't quite grasp it. Then it finally clicked and she said, "Rizarrel! You look so different!"
The demon smiled sheepishly and said, "It's just Riz now."
"Of course, Riz, my brother!" said Nymora.
"Not your brother either. Just your sibling." said Riz looking anxious again.
Nymora, without missing a beat said, "My sibling! I am glad to see you are okay!"
The smile returned to the demon's face as they asked, "Yeah... I'm uhh, I'm doing good up here. I've got to ask, why are you here? Lil said you'd left as well?"
"Yes, sibling, I fled a couple of months ago and have been living with Alice ever since." said Nymora, gesturing towards Alice.
Alice gave a shy wave and said, "Hey."
Riz looked relieved as they said, "I'm glad you're doing okay! I'm so sorry I left like that. I knew it'd fall on you but I just couldn't take it any more."
"There is nothing to apologise for, my sibling. I understand why you left as you did. I knew you were unhappy and I am glad you have found happiness here, much as I have." said Nymora with a smile.
"Yeah... I couldn't be the real me down there... But I'm here now and now I can be, as you can see." said Riz with a broad smile.
"Yes, you have changed so much! You look wonderful! Your new look suits you so well! I am glad you are comfortable here." said Nymora.
"Thank you, it means a lot." said Riz, with a soft smile.
"And I am glad I have found you. You must come over to our domicile, I will make us a meal and we can talk even more. I must know what you have been doing since you left!" said Nymora.
"I'd love to, but that'll have to wait for another day. I've got some girls to hang out with." said Riz.
"Ahh, of course my sibling. Another time then." said Nymora, "Do you have one of those 'mobile telephones'?"
"Yes, I have a phone." said Riz, obviously holding back a chuckle.
"Splendid! Alice, please give them your 'phone number'."
"Yeah, sure." said Alice as she pulled out her phone.
After exchanging numbers Riz turned to Nymora and said, "It's been great seeing you. I'll definitely let you know when I'm free."
"Please do, my sibling. It means so much to have seen you once again!" said Nymora.
The two hugged and then Riz gave a wave before saying, "Catch you later."