Just a Bite - Part 2
Content Warning for the following: blood
As Charlie rose to consciousness she was hit with the familiar sensation of a woman in her arms, and of being in a bed that wasn't her own. She could make out the morning light peeking around the edge of the blackout blinds in Dahlia's room.
Fuck, she was in Dahlia's bedroom, a co-worker's bedroom, oh shit, oh sh-
A sense of relief flowed through her as she remembered they hadn't actually had sex last night, but a new feeling of anxiety rose instead. Dahlia was a vampire. Pale, rich, beautiful, elegant, cold Dahlia was a vampire. And to top it all off, she hadn't known she was a vampire! It was probably pure luck that the first person she tried to bite happened to be a werewolf.
And it was just Charlie's luck that now she had to coach a vampire, a vampire, through being a vampire. Charlie knew what most werewolves knew about vampires, mostly that they were bad news, but also what to expect going up against them.
Dahlia stirred in her arms, before letting out a deep breath, and settling back into Charlie again. Part of Charlie was trying to get her attention, it was the part that her parents had planted in her growing up. The part telling her not to trust Dahlia, the part saying she shouldn't be cuddling with her ancient enemy. She told that part of her brain to shut the fuck up; what the fuck did her parents know?
She was going to help Dahlia get a hold of being a vampire. She wasn't quite sure how she was going to do that, but she was sure she'd figure it out.
Dahlia shifted again, then in cutest voice Charlie had ever heard said, "Mmmmm, good morning."
Charlie couldn't help but smile as she said, "Morning."
Dahlia freed herself from Charlie's embrace, then rolled over to be face to face with her. She seemed to study Charlie's shoulder before reaching over and touching it. "Where'd-"
Charlie cut her off with, "Werewolves heal pretty quickly. A small bite like that isn't going to cause me any trouble."
Dahlia then felt her own back for a moment then looked back to Charlie with a look of mild confusion.
"Vampires also heal quickly." said Charlie, "You won't have any kind of scarring from it either."
It had taken Charlie almost half an hour to pull all the glass out of Dahlia's back. She would have healed either way, but nobody wants to wake up in a bed full of broken glass.
Charlie reached out, resting her hand with her fingers in Dahlia's hair, and her thumb on Dahlia's ear. She gently stroked Dahlia's ear and said "We should get up."
Dahlia closed her eyes and said, "You're not making a great case for that."
Charlie let out a soft chuckle, then said, "That's true, but I need breakfast, I'm starving."
"Mmmm, okay then..." said Dahlia, obviously not wanting Charlie to stop playing with her ear.
Charlie stood in Dahlia's kitchen while Dahlia made toast. She thought for a moment then asked, "Are you hungry by the way? I mean I don't know how exactly how vampire hunger works, but I know some vampires still enjoying eating food. It's not a requirement though."
Dahlia looked over her shoulder and said, "It's not?"
"Nope. Neither is drinking blood actually."
Dahlia stopped and turned around. She looked at Charlie with a perplexed look and said, "What? I thought vampires needed blood to live."
"Popular myth, not helped by the media." replied Charlie, "Vampires crave blood, but they don't need it to live. The cravings can be redirected into something else. Some vampires pick things like money or power. Others pick something more... Banal... Like coffee."
Dahlia just stood staring at her. Charlie said "That's not something you need to figure out today though. If you're craving blood, you can have some of mine.". Charlie paused, giving her a warm smile, before continuing with, "As you've seen, it take a bit more than a little blood lose to hurt me."
Dahlia seemed a bit conflicted, but asked, "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Just let me have some breakfast first, then you can have as much as you need."
After having some breakfast, Charlie called someone from home. "Yeah, no, can you bring me some clothes. Yeah. I'll text you the address. Uh huh. Thanks gorgeous, see you in a bit."
Putting down the phone she turned to Dahlia and said "Well, it'll probably be a while before they get here. So let's get to it I guess."
Charlie slid the shoulder of oversized shirt Dahlia had given her to the side and tilted her head to expose her neck.
Dahlia, once again looking conflicted, leant forward, placing her cold, soft lips on Charlie's neck. She seemed to hesitate a moment before sinking her fangs in, causing Charlie to shudder. Charlie's head, once again, felt hot and light. She could feel her breathing becoming heavier and more ragged.
Dahlia must have picked up on this because she pulled away and asked, "Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?"
Charlie looked at her with eyes that could barely focus. She'd been told growing up that if a vampire managed to bite you, you needed to get away as quickly as possible. They'd neglected to tell her it felt so... Good...
She was having a hard time thinking straight, but she managed to say, "I'mmm fi-iinnnne." Before leaning in and giving Dahlia a deep kiss. It tasted of metal but Charlie didn't care, it just felt so good, it felt so right.
As she pulled away, she could see Dahlia smirking. She hadn't seen her smirk since she'd told her she was a vampire. It was almost comforting seeing that smug look again.
"Well then, if you insist" said Dahlia as she sunk her fangs back into Charlie.
The hot feeling inside Charlie continued to build, her head felt light, she could barely think to the end of a sentence. Then, just as Charlie thought she couldn't take any more, she felt Dahlia pull away. She sat staring at Dahlia, unsure of what to do. She still felt so hot and her skin felt so sensitive.
Dahlia, with a look of concern asked, "Are you sure you're okay? I didn't drink too much did I?"
Charlie forced her eyes to focus before saying, "It'ssss finnnnne.". Gulping down air she continued, "Ittt takes more thann that to kill a werewolfff. I jusssst... Neeeed a minutttte."
Dahlia gently guided her down, so she was laying on the couch with her head on Dahlia's lap. She was stroking Charlie's hair as she continued to look down with concern. Each stroke was causing what felt like waves of electricity to shoot through Charlie's whole body.
After a few minutes Charlie was starting to feel a lot less light headed, but the heat inside her just wouldn't let up. She wasn't sure what to do. Everything felt incredibly sensitive and the head pats felt so incredibly good. Eventually she managed to say, "I'm feeling a lot better now..."
She sat up and just stared straight ahead, trying her best to centre herself, trying to bring herself down. After a few moments she heard Dahlia say, "Are you sure you're okay there beautiful?"
"Yeah... I'm good..." she replied before turning around to look at Dahlia. She sat staring into her eyes for a good while before Dahlia spoke again.
"You don't look okay. Do you need something?" she said.
Charlie was fighting so hard to not say it but it was also fighting to be heard. She just had to shake her head, she just needed to keep her mouth shut, she jus-
"A kiss"
Dahlia's look of concern evaporated, like it had never been there at all, and was replaced with that damn smirk. That damn smirk did things to Charlie.
"All right then." said Dahlia, patting her lap.
Charlie climbed on top of her, easing herself down. As their lips approached each other the sound of the doorbell rang around the apartment. Scowling, Charlie said, "Fucking..."
Charlie dismounted and Dahlia sprung up, rushing towards the door. Charlie sat on the couch, head spinning, as she heard Dahlia unlock the door and open it.
"Hey... Is Charlie here?" asked a voice. It sounded like Lilith. Why couldn't she have taken a bit longer to get here?
"Yes." said Dahlia
"Can I see her?" said Lilith.
"One second." said Dahlia, before heading back into the living room. Charlie was already getting up and making her way towards the door.
When she arrived, on unsteady legs, Lilith was surveying the corridor Charlie had just stumbled her way down.
"Hey Lil. Thanks for the clothes." said Charlie, trying to sound coherent.
"Yeah... No problem..." said Lilith. She leaned in and whispered "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Why?" Charlie whispered back.
"I've just never seen you like this before..."
"I'm good. I'll be back home later."
Lilith looked at her neck. Realisation dawned.
"Did you fuck a vampire!?" she whispered, obviously trying not to shout.
"No, I didn't fuck a vampire Lil. Not yet anyway."
"Then why the fuck are you in a vampire's house? Why did you let her drink your blood? Oh fuck, are you a thrall? You have to tell me if you're a thrall."
Charlie smiled, then with barely concealed laughter said, "No, I'm not a thrall. Look, I'll explain later, but please. Don't breath a word of this to the others. Okay?"
Lilith signed, then said, "Fine, but you owe me an explanation!", before storming her way back to the elevator.
Charlie managed to make her way back to the living room, plopping down next to Dahlia on the couch. She looked over at her and said, "That was Lilith. She just wanted to make sure I was safe."
"Roommate?" asked Dahlia.
"More like family." replied Charlie with a smile.
"She's a werewolf too?"
Charlie let out a small laugh then said, "No, no. She's a witch. I thought the way she was dressed would have given it away."
"I just thought she was a goth." said Dahlia.
Charlie laughed even harder, but managed to get out, "Oh my god. She's going to love that."
Charlie noticed the hot sensation was starting to subside a bit. She managed to straighten up and said, "So, uhh, I know I said I'd help you out with the whole, being a vampire thing. But I'm going to be honest, I don't know much about actually being a vampire and how vampires do vampire things. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to help you but I just thought I'd let you know."
Dahlia's smirk turned into a genuine smile as she said, "I appreciate it."
"If you want to get started today, we'd probably be better off at my place." said Charlie.
After a moment of waggling the key in the lock, the front door opened to reveal a cluttered corridor. Charlie entered and took off her shoes, before noticing that Dahlia was still waiting at the door. She finally moved after Charlie said "Come in."
Charlie led her down the hall, and into her room, shutting the door behind them.
"Make yourself at home." said Charlie, throwing her bag onto her bed. Dahlia was taking in the room as Charlie swiped some clothes off the floor and threw them into a hamper in the corner.
"Cosy." said Dahlia, in what seemed like a sincere tone.
"Thanks. I do my best.", said Charlie, spinning back round to look at Dahlia. She then asked, "Can I get you anything?"
Dahlia shook her head.
"Okay then. Let's get started." said Charlie. She took a moment then continued, "Maybe we should start with flying? I'd rather you didn't turn into a swarm of bats in here, and I'd rather you didn't try hypnotise me until Maddy gets home."
"Okay... What do I need to do?" asked Dahlia.
"As I said, I'm not exactly sure how being a vampire works, but I can only hope it's like being a werewolf. Just do whatever feels right." replied Charlie, taking a step back.
"Okay then..." said Dahlia.
Charlie watched as Dahlia closed her eyes. After about 20 seconds Charlie noticed Dahlia's heels slowly lifting off the ground; then after another couple of seconds her feet were completely off the ground. Charlie stared in amazement, she'd picked it up a lot faster than she'd expected. But just as she finished that thought, Dahlia dropped and stumbled backwards.
Charlie lunged forward and caught her; once again face to face with her. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment. It felt like Dahlia was drawing closer for a kiss, when Charlie suddenly remembered something from the night before. She shot back and said, "I, uhh, I have something I need to tell you before we go any further. I meant to tell you last night but uhh... You kind of bit me before I could."
Dahlia, looking a bit shocked at the sudden movement said, "Okay..."
"So, uhh, I'm, uhh. I'm trans." said Charlie, finally getting the words out.
Dahlia looked over Charlie's shoulder and said, "I figured."
Charlie looked over her shoulder to see the trans flag hanging over her bed, then as she turned back, Dahlia said, "Also, I did see you naked last night."
Charlie went bright red as she said, "And you're cool with that?"
Dahlia took a step forward, drawing closer, and said, "Yes."
As they closed in there was a knock at the door and a masculine voice said, "Char, you in there?"
Charlie threw her head back, staring at the ceiling for a moment, she couldn't believe her damn luck. Contriving to sound annoyed she replied with, "Yes Steve, I'm in here. With a girl."
"Sorry, but can you help me with the groceries?" asked Steve.